Grid Computing holds a leading role in the Chinese’s development process, basically due to the immense amount of potential capabilities that they can infuse to achievements of great magnitude.The momentum of the Chinese research area seems to be channelled mainly in building large-scaleapplications and reliable testbeds over a centralized Grid infrastructure (China National Grid -CNGrid). CNGrid, is an application-driven key project, supported by the National High-Tech R&D Program of China, aiming to build a nation-wide Grid infrastructure based on 8 major nodes across the country. The hardware layer of CNGrid includes supercomputers while the developed middleware is mainly based on Globus Toolkit with specific add-ons developed by the various research centers that are involved.
The applications and testbeds developed over CNGrid are directly targeting towards making people’s everyday life easier. In the first Grid@Asia ( meeting held in Bejing, on the 21st of the June of 2005, applications related to Resource and Environment (GSG, DFG, SeisGrid), Research (SDG, BioGrid, DDG, ChinaGrid), Services (MSG, ITG), Manufacturing (AviGrid, SimGridResource) were presented by Chinese Grid-related research key players such as AVIC II, China National Geologic Survey Bureau, Network & Information Center of CAS, etc.
Apart the CNgrid programme financed by the Ministry of Science and Technology, two other programmes are running:
• The Crowne Grid programme, funded by the National Science foundation of China has a focus on service Grid R&D, testbed and its application,
• The ChinaGrid programme sponsored by the China Ministry of Education with the goalk of connecting Grid resources iver CERNET to buid an application Grid for China.
In addition, a presentation given by Jorge Gasos during the information day in Brussels (Jan 2006) provides a short overview of the Chinese programmes related to the Grid.
Program List of the CNGrid (China National Grid)
These are the topics of interest covered by the Chinese CNGrid programme, providing information such as:
- What are the strategic objectives?
- What are the institutes, Universities, Industries active in that sector
- What are the funding agencies?
- Who are the contact points by thematic area? Name and e-mail address ?