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IST General-Directorate organisation and calls

There are ten directorates within the European Commission "Information Society and Media Directorate-General". Grid related activities are organised by Directorate F – Emerging Technologies and Infrastructures and since January 2007 Directorate D – Network and Communication Technologies.

Unit F2 - Grid Technologies: http://www.cordis.lu/ist/grids/index.htm
In the new FP7, the F2 Unit on Grid technologies has been replaced by the Future and Emerging Technologies – Open Unit. Most of the active research projects funded by this former F2 Unit have been transferred to Unit D3 and F3 (see below). The brochure Building Grids for Europe gives an overview of all EC projects funded by unit F2

Unit F3 - Research Infrastructure: http://www.cordis.lu/ist/rn/
Unit F3 "Research Infrastructure" supports the provision of computer and communications infrastructures of the highest quality and performance to Europe's researchers, namely by establishing a high-capacity and high-speed communications network for all researchers in Europe (GÉANT) and specific high performance Grid-enabled advanced test-beds, exploiting the benefits of a strong co-ordination between Research Infrastructures and the IST (Information Society Technologies) and an enlarged co-operation with corresponding national and international initiatives. This first call for proposal under  FP7 is open, deadline 2 May 2007.


Unit D3 - Research Infrastructure:
The mission of the Unit “Software Technologies” is to promote global competitiveness of the European industry in software and services by supporting research activities and developing policies in the field of Software, Services and Distributed Systems. Since 1 January 2007, most contracts managed under Unit F2 (see description in section II.1. B.) have been transferred to Unit D3. This Brochure gives an overview  of the positioning of Unit D3 in the


European Commission Grid projects

The third "European Grid Technology Days " (EGTD) in Brussels on 19 September 2006, organised by DG INFSO F2, included the launch of the second wave of Grid research projects from IST Calls 5 and 6 of FP6.

Call six closed on 25 April. The European Commission organised an Information Day on “International Cooperation on Grid Technologies – Target Country: China” on 27 January 2006 in Brussels. See the agenda here.
The International Cooperation on Grid Technologies has an indicative budget of 5 M€. 3 instruments can to be used : STREPs, SSAs, Cas. See a presentation from the European Commission here.
Here are listed the projects funded under Framework Programme 5 (FP5) and 6 (FP6) of the European Commission. FP6 covers the period from 2003 to 2006.

You can dowload the flyer in pdf or go to the project web site.
Last Updated ( Friday, 30 March 2007 )
© 2008 Grid@Asia