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GRID and China
Grid Activities at Tsinghua University
Tsinghua University is one of the most active Chinese research institutes in the grid research area. As a founding member, Tsinghua University attended the construction of all three nation-wide grids of China, ChinaGrid (China Education and Research Grid, sponsored by Ministry of Science and Technology), CNGrird (China National Grid, sponsored by Ministry of Science and Technology), and CROWN(China Research and Development environment Over Wide-area Network sponsored by Natural Science Foundation of China ).
At the same time, Tsinghua University attended the development of corresponding middlewares of these three grids, CGSP (ChinaGrid Support Platform), GOS (Grid Operation System) and CROWN. The development of CGSP is completed at Tsinghua University. It is developed according the WSRF specification and release 1.0 is issued this January as open source. Further more, CPSCG (Construction Platform for Specialized Computing) was also developed independently as Tsinghua Campus grid middleware, which supports for both plain web service and WSRF. Based on CPSCG, Tsinghua Campus Grid is also built and provides high performance computing services for Tsinghua researchers and students through web interface.
At the grid middleware research and development, our distinctive works include:
  1. Parallel programming interface for grid computing (GridPPI)
  2. Job definition tools and interoperability between different grid middlewares
  3. Grid management and monitoring
  4. Resource and service packaging tools to encapsulate the computing resources, software tools into grid services following appointed service specification 
  5. Heterogeneous database integration
At the grid application area, we complete one bioinformatics grid which is accessed by 5000 users every day. Distributed symbolic computation is a special grid application in China. At present, we are involved into one scientific data grid of Shanghai.
Our computing devices mainly consist of two clusters. One is a 1 Teraflop/s HP Itanium2 cluster and another one is a 200 gigaflop/s Intel Xeon cluster. The total storage power arrived 8T too.

Contact Persons

  • Prof. Weimin Zheng, This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
  • Prof. Guangwen Yang, This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
  • Dr. Yongwei Wu, This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
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