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Digital Forestry Grid

Strategic objectives

Digital Forestry Grid (namely DFG in short) which is financed by the application grid research item in high performance computer and core software field of the National Hi-Tech Research and Development Program of China (863 Program), is part of the China National GRID (CNGRID).
DFG is a kind of specialization application grid supporting forest resource information management and forestry eco-construction projects, which should be the most important information infrastructure in the forestry sector. Researchers have achieved many results in both grid core technology and Grid applications after four years working. Researchers have developed a grid environment. Some characteristics of the DFG include specialized grid resource management, business logic development and execution engine of grid applications. Using above technology, researchers can construct multi-level system for forestry subject applications with different aims. By means of grid technology, DFG integrates the data resources of forest and forestry eco-construction projects in four levels, namely state, province, city and county. The data resources are heterogeneous in nature, e.g., remote sensing images, vector data, thematic attribute data, etc. Thematic grid services, such as data resource services, spatial information analysis services, online statistic computing services, have been developed, which realize the sharing and usage of forestry information resources extensively and in depth. Researchers have built the forest resource monitoring system and grain for green project analysis and management system in both national and provincial level, which become important management tools for forestry resource information management and forestry eco-construction projects.
DFG has different application patterns. The first one is to be an independent system for forestry specific computing environment. The other one is to connect and share the existing forestry information system and running environment by encapsulating the data, software, computers and storage devices distributed in the forestry sector into DFG.

DFG will have a more important role in forestry resource protection and utilization, and national ecology safe systems by further research.

Institutes, Universities, Industries active in that sector.

Contact points by thematic area:

  • Prof. Xu Zhang - This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
  • Address :
Research Institute of Forest Resource Information Techniques
Chinese Academy of Forestry Box 33,
1 Dongxiaofu, Xianghongqi,
Haidian District Beijing 100091,
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