The first Grid@Asia workshop took place in beijing from 21 to 23 June 2005, hosted by the Beihang University. The workshop focussed on three main scientific themes - GRID Middleware, GRID Applications, Tools and Programming Environments - and allowed the European and Asian Grid communities to discuss and identify their common areas of interest.
Two series of presentations were given. The first on current European projects supported by the European Commission, such as AKOGRIMO, NEXTGRID, SIMDAT, DILIGENT, DEISA, CoreGRID and GRIDLAB and similar Chinese projects. The second featured project ideas which could lead to the submission of common proposals.
National and multilateral programmes including their funding mechanisms were also presented with the goal to initiate collaborations between promising European and Asian research teams within the 6th and 7th FP.
Last Updated ( Sunday, 05 November 2006 )